A-29 Super Tucano

Principle Author:  Jester504


Basic Arma Characteristics

A-29 Super Tucano

Max speed: ~590 km/h


  • FLIR AN/AAQ-22 Star SAFIRE II (Electro-Optical/Infrared Sensors) - Detects IR targets in 120 degrees from up to 5km & visible (contrast/based) targets from up to 4km.
  • Radar Warning Receiver
  • Data Link

Available weapons


  • Twin Mk3 HMG with 400 rounds


  • M151 - 7x FFAR (Pylons 1,2,4,5)
  • M151 - 7x Hydra (Pylons 1,2,4,5)
  • M257 - 7x Hydra Ilumination (Pylons 1,2,4,5)

Air-to-Surface Missiles

  • M310 launcher (Pylon 1,5)
    • 2x AGM-114
    • 8x DAGR


  • Mk82 (1-5)
  • GBU-12 (1,2,4,5)
  • CBU-100 (1-5)
  • CBU-87 (3)
  • CBU-89 (3)


  • 2x30 M206 Flare
  • 1x30 M206 Flare + 1x30 RR-170 Chaff


Getting familiar with cockpit

Action Key Description
Zoom In Pg Up Increase MFD video feed zoom
Zoom Out Pg Down Decrease MFD video feed zoom
Zoom In MFD Map R Ctrl+[ Increase MFD map/sensor scale
Zoom Out MFD Map R Ctrl+] Decreese MFD map/sensor scale
Mastersafe User13 Activate master safe option

Multi Function Displays (MFD)

HSI (Horizontal Situation Display)

SMS (Stores Managment System)

ECIAS - Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System

On this panel you can see most of the informations about vehicle state. During engine startup, all warning lights will be lit up for 2 seconds and then disappear if all systems are functional.

Sensors Page

On this page you can preview what your sensors see & data link transmitted targets. This page can be zoomed in or out with help of R Ctrl+[ or ] keys

Navigation page

Zoom of the map can be adjusted R Ctrl+[ or ] in ranges from 1km to 16km

FLIR page

On this page you can see what FLIR turret is looking at. As a pilot, it's also possible to open full screen camera view by pressing RMB.

Use Page Up/Down to control zoom of the camera & LCtrl+N to switch between camera modes.

Weapons usage

Weapon groups

  1. Machinegun
  2. Missiles/Laser Designator
  3. Rockets
  4. Bombs


Laser Guided

Laser guided Hellfire variants (AGM-114K,M,N) are capable of firing in following modes:

  • Lock After Launch - Low Mode (LOAL-LO) - Missile fly in target direction & attempt to reach altitude of 300 meters before trying to lock on laser target.
  • Lock After Launch - High Mode (LOAL-HI) - Missile fly in target direction & attempt to reach altitude of 1200 meters before trying to lock on laser target.

Missile lock cone is 40 degrees. Minimal distance to target is 1km. Below, or close to that range, lock on laser target is highly unlike.


This vehicle is work in progress!